1. Training Requirements
- There are no exceptions to these requirements
- Complete an approved training class: List
- Be sure to get a signed certificate of completion from the trainer.
2. Application Process
- Completed Membership Application: Application
- Read the Range Rules: Rules
- Completed Range Rules Quiz:Quiz
- Total dues for new members are $185, $135 membership dues, and $50 initiation fees
3. Attend Safety Orientation
- A Safety Orientation will be conducted at 6:00 pm First Tuesday prior to the Monthly Board Meeting .
- No late arrivals, start time is 6:00 pm.
- Please make sure you pay attention and ask questions! Violations of club rules can result in suspension or revocation of memberships.
4. Attend a Board Meeting
- Must have completed Step 3
- First Tuesday of the month at 7:30 pm or
- Bring Payment: $185
- Signed Tng Certificate
- Completed Membership Application and Quiz
5. Membership benefits
- Membership covers the card holder and legal spouse and legal children 17 and younger
- Card holder must supervise family or guests when they are on the range property
- Card Holder is allowed up to 4 guests, must paid $10.00 guest fee per guest
- Guests 17 or younger don’t pay the guest fee
- Use of range during shooting hours (8AM to Dusk)
- Discount on Range Sponsored Events